Following is a sampling of books I’ve designed, with links to where they can be purchased, if available.
For self-publishing author, Mike Cooney (and his family), I supported his first book project from copyediting to proofreading, and I also did my first cover and interior design (click on the cover spread to go to a PDF of Chapter 2 to see the interior). Mike was a great collaborator on this, and thanks to his son, Harrison, I had a great photo to build the cover with. I only had to do some fade effect and wording to make the cover stand out.
To take a look at the book in its native environment (on, go here. Buying it is a great idea, especially if you are thinking about traveling in Latin America. Mike is a great writer with an awesome sense of humor that will entertain you through every page.
This beautiful book-length epic poem was an interesting interior design challenge (Pàl did his own cover), with the need to keep verses together to avoid disturbing the rhythm of the text.
Jude Heimel and I worked very closely on all aspects of preparing her first book for publication. The design project included an interior with images for each chapter opener and a cover based on her contributed photo.